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Naturopathy is virtually a science of healthy living. It teaches us that how we should live?

What we should eat? and how our daily routine should be? The methods of Nature Cure not

only help us in attaining freedom from disease but with the help of their regular, sustained

follow up positive and vigorous health can be acquired.

Thats why Naturopathy is also called as Natural life. Its main object is to change the living habits

of people and to teach them the healthy life style. The techniques of healthy life

described in Naturopathic texts are very helpful in the fulfilment of this pursuit.

Daily Routine For Being Healthy
Daily healthy routine may be prescribed as following.

Morning 4 to 5 A.M. Ushapan and daily activities

5 to 6 A.M. Asana/ Exercise/ Pranayama/ Surya namaskar/ Walking/ Meditation Breakfast

7 to 8 A.M. Seasonal fruits/ Milk/ Munakka + Fig/ Sprouts

Lunch 11 to 12 Noon Whole wheat bread + Green Vegetables (with less oil and spices) + Salad +

Moong Ki Dal. Curd/ Veg.Soup.

Evening 6 to 7 P.M. Seasanol fruits/ Juice/ Natural tea (tulsi +Ginger + Black Pepper)

Dinner 8 to 9 P.M. Whole wheat bread + Green vegetables (with less oil and spices) + Salad/

Dalia + Vegetable / Curd/ Veg.Soup.

Night 10 P.M. Go to bed (Bed Time)

Ushapan and daily activ

5 to 6 A.M. Asana/ Exercise/ Pranayama/ Surya namaskar/ Walking/ Meditation
7 to 8 A.M. Seasonal fruits/ Milk/ Munakka + Fig/ Sprouts
11 to 12 Noon Whole wheat bread + Green Vegetables (with less oil and spices) + Salad + Moong Ki Dal. Curd/ Veg.Soup.
6 to 7 P.M. Seasanol fruits/ Juice/ Natural tea (tulsi +Ginger + Black Pepper)
6 to 7 P.M. Whole wheat bread + Green vegetables (with less oil and spices) + Salad/ Dalia + Vegetable / Curd/ Veg.Soup.

Go to bed (Bed Time)


Skin care

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