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Benefits Of Meditation : How to be happy


Meditation is a very powerful technique to keep us happy .All successful people do meditation to keep themselves focused and happy .

As you all know now a days because of this pandemic we have been through a lot as a human being .Which causes depression and anxiety because of job loss ,bad health and many more reasons .

Today i am going to tell you few benefits of meditation, if you do it regularly on daily basis .

Few Benefits Of Meditation 


There are lots of benefits of doing meditaion .One of the major benefits of meditation is that it improves our mental health .

It is very useful in reducing anxiety and lifts depression .

It is also very useful for insomnia which is a sleeping disorder .

We also become focused towards are goal with no negative thoughts .


Our life is very stressful now a days because of lots of responsibility at a time and also we deals with so many things daily . Meditation reduces stress in our day to day life and it also help reducing High Blood Pressure. We feel and become more healthy and fit day by day.


Meditation is very useful in navigating our emotions, we become less sensitive but more compassionate towards other being ,we show more kindness and love.

 It also promote self love .


When we meditate we become more conscious for our true self .We know who we are and what is our life purpose.

Thus we dont think negative and feel happy always .We connected to our higher self and know our path.


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