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Surya Namaskar : Benefits Of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar 

Surya Namaskar or  Sun Salutaion is  an ancient yoga from India is also known as ultimate Asana  is a sequence of 12 Yoga poses .

Surya Namaskar is also known to have an immensely positive impact on body and mind .

The Asana sequence originated in the Hatha Yoga tradition on 19 century in India 

The basic seqence involves moving from a standing position into downward to upward dog poses and than back to the standing position ,but many variations are possible .The sets of 12 Asana is dedicated to the vedic hindu solar diety surya .In some indian traditions,the positions are each associated with different mantra .

These yoga poses are great workout routine for our body as well as It is also way to worship the God .

So everyone should do even kids can do it daily.


Benefits Of Surya Namaskar

As given in the picture above benefits of Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation are 

1.   It Srenthens the body

2.    Helps cope with insomnia 

3.    Improves posture

4.    Improves muscle tone 

5.    Improves function of internal organs

6.    Helps relax our mind

7.    Improves flexibility

8.    Helps burn excess fat

9.    Helps built mental focus 

10. Improves blood circulations

11. Good for the joints 

12. Improves Digestion

13. Control Diabetes 

14. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

15. Regular Menstrual Cycle 

16. Prevents Hair Loss

17. Keeps Skin Healthy 

18. Aids Detoxification 


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